August 19, 2022

A recap of the latest Labour Code amendments in force as of 1 August 2022

Some amendments to the Labour Code came into force on the 1 August. Radina Tomanova summarizes the most important of them.

  • New probationary period, which is introduced for employees hired for less than а year. The probationary period in these cases is 1 month, as opposed to the regular probationary period of 6 months.
  • Additional work - an employer may restrict an employee from working for another employer only if the employee's contract of employment contains a prohibition on grounds of the protection of commercial confidentiality and/or the prevention of conflicts of interest. Thus, from now on general prohibitions on working for another employer will not be consistent with the law.
  • The employee has the right to propose in writing to the employer a change in the employment contract (e.g. from a fixed-term contract to an open-ended contract, and from a part-time contract to a full-time contract). If the employer refuses, he must, within one month, provide a motivated written reply setting out the reasons for his decision.
  • With regard to the right of employees to propose amendments to the employment contract, a special right is introduced for employees who have to care for a sick relative. They now could propose relaxations to their working arrangements in order to reconcile family and professional obligations.
  • Parental leave of 2 (two) months for raising a child up to the age of 8 (eight) years is introduced for the father/adopter, on condition that he has not taken the other child-related leave provided for in the Labour Code.
  • When introducing a new employee to the company, the employer must, among other things, acquaint them with:
  1. the terms and conditions for termination of the employment contract;
  2. information on trainings provided by the employer;
  3. the internal wage regulations.

Radina Tomanova

Providing high-quality advice with a radiant smile on her face, Radina is broadly hailed as the rising star partner of our M&A team.

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