Insurance is financial activity that deals with specific terms. We have listed some of the most important ones (as regards Bulgarian Insurance Law) below.
For example, the insurer concludes an open insurance contract with a courier company for 3 years (term of the insurance contract – 3 years), under which each shipment is insured for the period of its delivery (coverage period – from the date of the shipment to the day of delivery). The contract stipulates for the insurance premium for the shipments will be calculated based on their weight and delivery time, at pre-fixed rates, which are updated on 01.01. each year (insurance period – one year – until 01.01 of the following year).
For example, in property insurance, if the risk of ‘’fire’’ is covered, but you decide to also insure against the risk of ‘’theft’’, the former will be covered and the latter not covered, with the option of including it in the coverage for an additional premium. However, the risk of ‘’fire due to short circuit’’ may remain excluded, for which you will not receive coverage even for an additional premium.