Our latest thinking on the issues that matter most in business and management.
Regulation 2024/1689, a.k.a the AI Act, is step by step going to introduce various requirements to the different stakeholders. Our colleagues Assoc. Prof. Martin Zahariev, PhD, and Andreas Petkov have prepared a timeline roadmap to guide you through the crevices and intricasies of the AI Act compliance.
The draft amendments to the Labour Code address two issues: telework and the introduction of joint and several liability of contractor and subcontractor for wages. The proposals reveal some shortcomings that could create serious practical difficulties. The new provision on joint and several liability is vague, disproportionate and contradicts fundamental principles of labour and contract law. *This pulication is in Bulgarian.
From a digital exotic to a $1.1 trillion market, there is no doubt that crypto assets, led by bitcoin, have carved out a place for themselves in the global economy. A multibillion-dollar trading and investment business has developed around them, and many people have profited from their change in value and participation in their creation; others have lost out from the theft of their digital wallets, the misuse of investment managers, or the bankruptcies of cryptocurrency platforms. But order is coming to the crypto universe, at least at the European Union level. The Markets in Cryptoassets Regulation (MiCA), the first comprehensive law to regulate this type of asset, comes into force at the beginning of July, creating a single framework for the entire European bloc. Its provisions will start to be effectively implemented from the middle of next year 2024, so that market participants can align their activities with its requirements. *This publication is in Bulgarian
Bulgarian DPA is currently applying on a regular basis a new procedure in cases of data breach notifications which includes complex questionnaires covering all the data processing activities of the data controller and extensive requests for provision of documents and information within short deadlines.
On 27 April 2023, the Council for Electronic Media – CEM published its Report on the specialised monitoring of the election campaign for the 49th Parliament. In the Report, the CEM presents its findings following the process of specialised monitoring of the activity of 14 channels of public media service providers and 13 channels of commercial media service providers related to yet another parliamentary election in Bulgaria. The Report also includes information on the performance of four online platforms. The Report covers their media behaviour during the election campaign (from 3 to 31 March 2023), on the day of reflection (1 April 2023) as well as on the day of the elections (2 April 2023). *This publication is also available in German and French.